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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 26, Issue 2, pp. 291-603

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Fail-Stop Signatures

Torben Pryds Pedersen and Birgit Pfitzmann

pp. 291-330

The Vertex-Disjoint Menger Problem in Planar Graphs

Heike Ripphausen-Lipa, Dorothea Wagner, and Karsten Weihe

pp. 331-349

Randomized Distributed Edge Coloring via an Extension of the Chernoff--Hoeffding Bounds

Alessandro Panconesi and Aravind Srinivasan

pp. 350-368

Random Debaters and the Hardness of Approximating Stochastic Functions

Anne Condon, Joan Feigenbaum, Carsten Lund, and Peter Shor

pp. 369-400

A Strip-Packing Algorithm with Absolute Performance Bound 2

A. Steinberg

pp. 401-409

Approximating Shortest Superstrings

Shang-Hua Teng and Frances F. Yao

pp. 410-417

Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamping

Danny Dolev and Nir Shavit

pp. 418-455

Probe Order Backtracking

Paul Walton Purdom, Jr. and G. Neil Haven

pp. 456-483

Ambivalent Data Structures for Dynamic 2-Edge-Connectivity and k Smallest Spanning Trees

Greg N. Frederickson

pp. 484-538

Time-Adaptive Algorithms for Synchronization

Rajeev Alur, Hagit Attiya, and Gadi Taubenfeld

pp. 539-556

A First-Order Isomorphism Theorem

Eric Allender, José Balcázar, and Neil Immerman

pp. 557-567

General Techniques for Analyzing Recursive Algorithms with Applications

Rakesh M. Verma

pp. 568-581

Potentials in Undirected Graphs and Planar Multiflows

András Sebo

pp. 582-603